AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 03/12/2021


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Baywatch, Big Mac, Bing, Brutus, Clutch, Crabcakes, Dr Feelgood, Drake, Gridlock, Jimmy Dean, Lancelot, Pyro, Ripken, Sir Wallace, Stagecoach, Steel, Sully,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Baywatch

QIC: Sir wallace

The BackBlast:

59F clear skies – shouted the 5 core principles and welcomed FNG Austin (now F3 Baywatch)

Warmup: Mosey with dynamic stretching including butt kickers, high knees, karaoke, walking lunges, toy soldiers then met up at base of tower… performed SSH then  jail break up across and back down the tower. More SSH, jump rope, and leg swings



60 secs each exercise with 15 rest in between

Round 1

Jump Squats

Jump Lunges

Triple pulse jump squats

Triple pulse lunges

Round 2

Spider Squats

Lateral Line Hops

Squat Jacks

Vertical Line hops

Round 3

Skater lunges

Runner lunge (left)

Runner lunge (right)

Half Burpee (with jump)

Quick water break

Round 4

30 secs each exercise

Lateral jump knee tuck

Salsa dip jacks

Squats holds


Round 5

30 secs each exercise

Lateral jump knee tuck

Salsa dip jacks

Squats holds



50 Squat Jumps


Static Sumo squat stretch

Monkey hummer stretch

Forward lunge stretch (each leg)

Plank Calve stretch (each leg)

Evander Holyfield (each arm)

One minute plank


Circle of Trust:

announcements – Brutus lead outlaw trail run on the 16th

SMA run on the 27th

Gator run April 24th

Sup N Run in May

GoRuck May 13-14

praises – recognize all those overcoming mental battles as well as physical injuries

prayers – for F3 brother who’s son is struggling with suicidal thoughts

Safety for Drakes friend racing in Sebring


Solve the problem, or Leave the problem… don’t live with the Problem


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