Die Hard II, The sequel

48 Degrees, Breezy, Cold Prep: Pre Ruck unplanned. Arrived at 4am to prep, noticed both Security Cars were at both entrances of the Parking lot. I decided to “Die hard”…

Giving the gift of Die Hard

Introduction 47 degrees at 5:15am ,8 PAX circled up for the annual Christmas party, 1988 style to “head out to the SUNcoast, get together, have a few laughs…” – John…

Buckeye Beatdown #3

PREP:  4 hours in kitchen making some Buckeyes (worth every minute).  A few minutes on Mapquest counting palm trees between NBP and UTC devising a beatdown plan. WEATHER: 55 degrees…

The cards were in charge

QIC- Goob Weather- closer to normal 60 With WildPax happening at the same time, Goob was pleasantly surprised with 6 additional PAX braving the morning.  That is where the bravery…

Black Friday

67 with 87% Humidity Black Friday Warm up: 5 Core Principles w/ Agitators, MP, imperial Walkers, Motivators from 7 Thang Recovering from the soreness of the Gobbler Challenge & the…

Creative Burpeenessss

Great morning to be at NBP!   5 Core Principles were anounced and the fact I’m not liable for what we are about to partake.   Mozy, High Knees, Monkey…

Four Corners and Jailbreak

Weather:  Who cares – it is FRIDAY Disclaimer shared, core principles and mission statement given and off we went for a mosi.  Halfway around the lot we stopped for SSH…

No name Friday

Conditions 69 and clear! Mozi/Warm up We started w jogging the bridges which included “curb”  kerioke,Nur,butt kickers and high knees. Then we warmed up w Ssh, Michael Phelps, arm circles, Imperial walkers,…

Thurmanator’s Ladder of Pain

PREP:  This Q slot was open as of 9 days prior, and YHC was aware that frequent visitor F3 Thurmanator was DR from Greensboro, so we agreed to co-Q.  There…