AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 12/18/2020


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Brutus, Chilipepper, Clutch, Dasani, Goob, Lancelot, Mr. Clean, Pyro, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lancelot

The BackBlast:


47 degrees at 5:15am ,8 PAX circled up for the annual Christmas party, 1988 style to “head out to the SUNcoast, get together, have a few laughs…” – John McClane. Hans Gruber and company had different plans. Looks like Hans Gruber had already taken over NBP’s The Tower and chaos would follow. 9 of us headed over to UTC to join the holiday festivities

*** Modified beatdown due to the chaos


*Planned to start on the sand area by the water at the bottom of The Tower

Die Hard starts with a corporate holiday party inside Nakatomi Plaza.

 “Sugar Cookies” at The Holiday Party


  • Agitators, Michael Phelps, Arm Circles
  • Gingerbreads (30 SSH) and Sugar Cookies (30 Merkins and 30 Big Boys in the sand)
  • 30 Stories in the Nakatomi Plaza

Everything is all hunky dory then gets highly disrupted by terror, so we all tried running

(Originally planned to sneak up the back stairs of the Tower. I snuck up there last night and duct taped the door, so we can sneak up there this am)

  • We ran out of parking lot to Bus stop and returned , only to be taken hostage

Thang #1.  “Shoot the Glass” The Barefoot Machine Gun Scene

(Planned at the top of the NBP Tower)

         Hostages lined up at one end of parking lot and ran end to end, dodging each other for 2.5 minutes (about the length of the scene)

Thang #2 “In the Vents” 

McClane crawled his way through all kind of awkward places.

Hostages started at one end of parking lot/grass

  • 5 Merkins,, then rolled 5 times, repeat to the end of parking lot
  • Bear Crawled back
  • 5 Merkins, then Army Crawl about 5 yards, repeat to the end of parking lot

Thang #3 “Hostage Situation”

PAX split into 2 groups ….

·         Group 1 = LBCs

·         Group 2 = Squats

While 1 Hostage runs around a larger parking lot and returns

Once a hostage returns, another runs out, and the 2 groups switch exercises,

Continues until all hostages have made their run

Thang #5 “Negotiation”

Hostages paired up. Within 1 minute, between the 2 hostages, who can do the most Burpees. The winner pairs up with another winner for another minute round, until 1 hostage is left standing (You all can guess who was the last one standing, however, Stagecoach kicked @$$ to the end!)

5 minutes left, so we did a Round of Mary’s, all hostages rejoiced in surviving by “giving the gift” of F3 Ab Exercises.


Circle of Trust


  • Saturday AP, “Wrapping Party” with Chilipepper for the items we will be given to the Salvation Army on Tuesday
  • Salvation Army, Tuesday Evening (Details on slack)
  • Snipers Clay Shoot Tournament in January 2021
  • Gridlocks Foster Race in February 2021

Prayers: Chilipepper’s Friend in Chili and the people of Chili, Pyro and his Family

Medical Staff, Teachers, farmers, First responders, Law Enforcement, and Military

Pax who are traveling, injured, or facing their own challenges

Our Nation!

Thank you for humoring me by playing Die Hard with me. I had fun and I hoped you all did, as well.  Yes, we had to modify, but I think you all got the idea.

In this Movie, McClane, gives so much to protect his family, the employees, and strangers. He was faced with unexpected challenges and faced obstacles that seemed impossible, however he got through it.  I gave you all something a little different today that was chaotic, challenging, and fun. Hey It wouldn’t be a “Lancelot” workout, without it being “Crazy”.  So my message today is to think about how you can give back.

As F3 men, we can see that it doesn’t take expensive gifts or money to express one’s gratitude, nor does it say what type of man we are. It’s what you give of yourself, that shows what type of person we are. F3 men are men of character and through this holiday season, what we give from our hearts and ourselves exemplifies what the holiday season is all about. These are HIM’s. These are the kind of people that make things happen. With 1 week before Christmas, I ask you to “give” from your heart, it can just be giving someone a call, a smile, a pat on the back, etc. Just give. “When we give, we don’t Die Hard. We Live Happy”

Blessed and honored to lead – Lancelot

Did the entire Beatdown barefooted as McClane did. This was my 250th post for 2020. So today was a good day!

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” –

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