AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 12/26/2020


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Brutus, Cavallino, Crabcakes, Lancelot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lancelot

The BackBlast:

48 Degrees, Breezy, Cold

Prep: Pre Ruck unplanned.

Arrived at 4am to prep, noticed both Security Cars were at both entrances of the Parking lot. I decided to “Die hard” my way to the top of the tower, to get it prepped. I placed all needed items, Duct tape, rope, gloves, speaker, etc in my Ruck, casually rucked by them and out to Cattlemen. After a few minutes, decided to army crawl over the bridge, so they couldn’t see me, and crawled through the bushes, on my way over and across the field on the northside of the island. Rucked over to the west side of the island, rucked down the path towards the Tower. I then slowly, army crawled up the main stairs to the top, hoping they wouldn’t see me. Duct taped the locks on the back stairwell door , then army crawled down to the 2nd floor deck. I then hooked up the ropes and weighted ruck sack there.  Got to my car, getting ready and the security guy drives up to me with flashers on , opens window and shines a light in my face and asks…” Are you the Black man who is doing that exercise thing later?”

5:17am: Welcome,  5 Core principles: All Men, Free, lead by rotations of Peers, Outside, and ends in COT


Warm ups:  #1 “Sugar Cookies” at The Holiday Party

  • Agitators, Michael Phelps, Arm Circles
  • Sugar Cookies 30 Merkins and 30 Big Boys in the sand on the beach at the bottom of NBP Tower.
  • Gingerbread cookies, (30 SSH)
  • Bear crawled up the back stairwell to the top of the Tower.


Thang #1 “Breaking Glass” The Barefoot Machine Gun Scene

  • PAX lined up baseline on opposite sides of the top tower deck. Ran 2 minutes 5 seconds (estimated length of the scene) side to side AYG like somebody is shooting at you with a machine gun.

Thang #2 “In the Vents” 

 Pax .  5 Merkins,  then rolled 5 times, 5 Merkins, roll, until other side of deck, then army crawled to the back stairs, bear crawled down to the bottom floor.


Thang #3 “Hostage Situation”

….to save the hostages, this would take some strength.

  • Group did various exercises while, a hostage is running.
  • Hostage must pull up 50lb Ruck sack up 10 feet by rope, before running a lap around the tower base.

Repeat until all hostages have completed their escape attempt.

Thang #4 “Negotiation”

PAX split into teams,  winner of 1 minute rounds of Burpees.

Thang #5 : Bear crawled back to the top of the Tower get rescued. 5 minutes of a round of “Mary did you know” until 6 o’clock.


Circle of Trust:

 Clay Shoot Tournament in January 2021


Prayers. Teachers, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Leaders, farmers, medical staff, and Military

Pax who are injured and safety over all Pax during this Christmas day.

Blessed and Honored. Merry Christmas, – Lancelot

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