NBP Tree Run

Started with a quick Mosy around the island and finishing tower doing some high knee’s, Butt kickers and NUR up the hill to the parking lot.

Circled up and did some Strawberry Pickers and SSH’s.

We the headed off on a jog around the tree circle doing what seemed like a very simple set of exercises but add in 2 miles of running at the same time makes it a bit tougher. Our first stop was the pavilion for 20 feet elevated Merkins and 20 feet elevated shoulder taps.  We then stopped 4 more times along the way where we did 20 merkins and 20 shoulder taps at each stop. After the final stop which just happened to be at the base of the “hill” on the loop we paired up. While your partner did squats you run up the hill and back down…. we did that 3 times each then switch to moroccan nigh clubs while your partner ran. After about 3 sets of that we headed back to the parking lot.

We had time for a round of Mary with flutter kicks, American hammers and some other exercises that I can not remember 🙂

We prayed for our troops and men in blue protecting us as well as all PAX’s members that need our prayers.

Sorry for the delay getting this done 🙂