Truly a GIFT (F3)

Conditions: “August September like” 78 degrees 84% humidity and cloudy.

We started right at 7 w the Core principals and disclaimers!

Mozi/Warmup combo:  
We lapped the shell path and did Nur,kerioke, butt kickers, SSH, and then went to the 4 corners of the parking lot and did crunchy frogs starting w a count of 5 and increasing the count by 5 at each corner… so 5,10,15 and finally 20.  55 cfgs!  And yes, we then did bad back stretches!

The Thang: I let the PAX pick red/green or black. Red/green won.  Sooo,

100 LBC 10 Burpees

90 Mountain climber 9 burpees

80 squats 8 burpees

70 Freddie Mercury’s 70 burpees

60 Lunges 6 burpees

50 Imperial Walkers 5 burpees

40 Merkins 4 burpees

30 arm circles 3 burpees

20 Heels to Heaven 2 burpees

10 San Francisco’s 1 burpee

Between each set we ran from the basketball court to the park benches or tires and did tricep dips or step ups.


We were fortunate to have two new FNGs

Jonathan Bachman Passport

Victor Herrera Early Bird

Next week is Fathers Day weekend.  There will be two workouts. Regular time @ 7 and then followed by an 8:00 Fathers Day beatdown where you can bring any of your 2.0s! (Children)

The PAX is discussing shutting down Unconditional Surrender temporarily because of lack of attendance. Please weigh in w your thoughts.

Fathers Day ride on bike next Sunday on Long Boat Key… check w Bing if your interested.

Prayers requested:

Jimmy Deans brother… issues w a builder

Chili Peppers relatives in Chili w Covid.

Trumps asst. and spouse

Local and national Law Enforcement

Passport’s cancer and chemotherapy

F3 has been such a blessing for me!!! Thanks for allowing me to Q today!!!!! JimmyDean out.