The Murph

Pax: Jimmy Dean, Manziel, Gridlock, Brutus, Scrum, Chili Pepper, Deep Dish, Mahommes, ShamWow, Amazon, Canada (F5), Fireball (F5), Drake, Barron, LG, Yamaha, Trump, Pincher, Messy, Papa Smurf, Hurricane (F5), Scholar (F5), Gator, Force (F5), Free Spirit (F5), Geek Squad, Crab Cakes, Lancelot, Recall, Posh, One and Done, Big Mac, Bing

Weather: SW Florida HOT

33 Pax converged to honor our fallen soldiers by taking on the Murph on this fine gloom.  A solid effort was put in by all, and all left stronger because of it.  It was an honor to share the battlefield with the pax from the F5 Community Bootcamp this morning.

The Murph includes the following:

1-Mile Run
100 Pull-ups

200 Merkins (Push-ups)

300 Squats

1-Mile Run

It was great to bump into an FNG who was there to do the Murph to begin with, challenged to do so in an interview earlier this week.  Welcome One and Done!  Also, welcome Hurricane.  The M of a pax from Birmingham, AL, also known as Double Dribble.

The Sledge Hammer was passed along today, after Manziel smashed his goal of a sub 25 minute 5k this past weekend.  Jimmy Dean now takes the sledge hammer to smash his goal of a sub 2:00 half marathon later this year.  You got this Jimmy Dean!!

Overall, a great gloom by everyone in attendance.


  • Newsletter is in your inbox
  • St. Pete launch next Saturday!!  Clown Cars to depart at 5:50am from Adventure Park
  • June 10 – Ronald McDonald House volunteer evening.  HC (need 10 guys) plus donations to


  • Recall’s 2.0 undergoing surgery tomorrow.
  • Recall’s father-in-law having open heart surgery on Wednesday
  • Drake’s injured knee
  • Injured pax
  • Friend of Chili Pepper who passed away in Chile
  • First Responders/Military

Solid fellowship commenced afterwards at Wawa, as usual!