The Amazing Race Beatdown

Weather:  72 degrees and foggy

Good turn-out this morning.  No FNG’s.  The pax was fired up to see why this beatdown was called The Amazing Race.

Pax started with a mosey of two laps around the parking lot.  Mixed in were butt kickers, high knees, nur and carioca x2.  Then, the pax moved to the hockey rink.


  1. SSH x20 IC
  2. Strawberry pickers x15 IC
  3. Abe Vigoda x12 IC
  4. Moroccan Night Clubs x20 IC
  5. Alabama Ass-kickers x10 each leg IC
  6. Side Plank x2 each arm

The Thang

Bear Crawl 1-2-3.  First, the pax partnered up and lined up on one side of the hockey rink.  One partner executed a bear crawl to the other side and then did a crab walk back.  The other partner performed exercises in place.  On completion of bear crawl / crab walk, the partners switched roles.  Exercises were 100 merkins, 200 LBC, 300 squats.

The Amazing Race.  The majority of the Thang was spent in The Amazing Race.  Pax formed 6 teams of two and given a map.  The Race consisted of 8 exercise stations spread out across Adventure Park.  Each station was marked with a cone and had a list of exercises to perform.  Generally, the stations consisted of two exercises with 20 reps each, repeated 3 times.  Of course, one station had Burpees x10 for 3 repeats.  Upon completion of the exercises, the team could claim one token from a bowl at the station (a poker chip).  Both team members had to complete all exercises.  Team had to travel together.

Each token counted as one point.  If a team completed all 8 stations, they received 4 extra points.  Teams could not repeat the same station twice in a row.  However, teams could choose to not complete all 8 stations and forgo the extra points.  Teams had to return to the hockey rink by 7:55am.  Late arriving teams were docked a point.

And the winning team was:  Drake and Pincher!   These animals completed all 8 stations and arrived back at the hockey rink with a couple minutes to spare, earning 12 points.  They were rewarded with several high calorie candy bars.

Praises / Prayers:

  • Lambeau:  Moving into a new house
  • Drake:  Incident with former spouse
  • Bing:  Recognizing our friends in law enforcement, particularly in light of recent shooting in CA
  • Big Mac:  Prayers for Mr. Clean and the situation with his mother
  • Smudge:  Will be traveling over the next month


  • 11/10 – Turkey Trot 5k.  Sign-up online or see Drake.
  • 11/10 – St. Pete races – 5k and half marathon.  See Smudge for details.



1 thought on “The Amazing Race Beatdown”

  1. Very creative and fun/grueling beatdown Scrum!

    Turkey Trot date is 11/17. PAX can receive a discount by signing up using a form, not online. See Drake for details.

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