Date: 12.08.18 – 7PM to 10PM
Weather: 67 degrees
QIC: Recall
PAX: Bing, ShamWow, Sterling, Rowdy, Ripken, Sparky, Big Mac, Pincher, Olympus, Wilson, Crawfish, Seoul Tide (FNG)
12 PAX, 1 FNG, several Ms and countless 2.0s converged at Casa Di Recall for an evening of fellowship, great food, and charity work. YHC’s M outdid herself in preparing a rock solid spread: goat cheese stuffed tomatoes, pepperoni rolls, lamb sliders with chutney, honey and mesquite smoked chicken wings, stuffed mushrooms, bang bang shrimp, beer bread and dip, fruit tarts, whoopie pies, sugar cookies, and cinnamon-sugar pie sticks. This was complemented by several great items brought from the PAX: baked brie, cheese platters, cheese stuffed pretzels wrapped in prosciutto, among other items. Gluttony was high.
The 2.0s enjoyed a viewing of The Incredibles 2 while chowing down on Dominos Pizza, cheesy bread, popcorn, M&Ms and Gummy Bears. Many washed it down with Diet Mountain Dew. In hindsight, the kiddos were given far too much sugar and caffeine.
The PAX converged on the lanai, forming a makeshift assembly line to stuff stockings in preparation for Tuesday’s Men’s Outreach initiative. Big Mac had the awesome idea of including the 2.0s in this process. Watching them enthusiastically participate was truly the highlight of YHC’s night. In 2 waves, the crew carefully packed 150 stockings, which will be given to homeless men throughout the Bradenton, FL area. Really good stuff!
Afterward, YHC called the PAX into a circle where we recapped the purpose of the night and recognized Ripken for coordinating our participation in such a great cause. Following, we formally welcomed our FNG and gave him a name: Seoul Tide. The circle was wrapped-up with a great close out prayer, which included the Ms, led by Ripken.
Details for Tuesday’s outreach, along with photos of last night’s event are below. Great job, men!
Men’s Outreach Event Details
We need big volume participation on this important event. The fartsack is a non-factor at 5PM. Coordinate your calendars and post.
- Date: Tuesday, December 11th
- Time: Set-up starts at 5PM / Event starts at 6PM. Be early!
- Address: 1204 15th St W, Bradenton, FL 34205
- Landmark: next to Salvation Army on US-41