Beautiful morning to get it on … As we started to arrive the cars just seemed to just keep coming… Is this possible , did we just set a new record … #16strong!!!
After 2 laps of a simple mosey, the group enjoyed an up and back of high knees, butt kickers, NUR, Karaoke (x2) and Skipping.
Then we circled up (and what a circle it was) for the following warmups:
1 .Side Straddle Hops (25)
2. Strawberry Pickers (25)
3. Hillbilly Walkers (25)
4. Bad Back Stretches
We grabbed our waters and headed to the basketball courts for the THANG
Since today was the 25th of the month… we did 25 reps of each exercise
The 25th also represents the Silver anniversary and in honor of Mr. Clean’s 25th Birthday .. we call this the “SILVA 25”
Exercises and MOT’s “Modes Of Transportation” are as follows:
Squats (25) —- NUR
Imperial walkers (25) —- Lunge
LBFC’s (25) —- Bear Crawl
Vegas Night Clubs (25) —- Skip
American Hammers (25) — Sprint to Beginning
Plank till the ‘6’ gets home
Rinse and Repeat 5 times
We were given 5 exercises x25 reps x 5 sets = F3 BEATDOWN
Prayer Praises for Drakes son’s awesome news… Prayer request for Rock, Backdraft’s girlfriends mom and Ripkin’s dad