Old School

Original plan: Intervals. Replacement plan: Old school 6 mile loop. Weather: Might have ran, might have swam. Not sure…. Pace: Enron Prayers: Fireball – Strength, and continued blessings for himself,…

Turning miles into burpee’s

Brutus owes 50 burpees……chilipepper you’re next. Bubbles laid down 5.04 solid miles this morning at the Fort.  9 Pax started their T-Day off on the right foot…..well some might’ve started…


5:15a struck, and YHC was surprised to see the showing in the gloom, knowing many of the usual runners are tapering prior to the Skunk Ape Marathon this upcoming weekend. …

Taper Tempo

63 degrees humidity 86% wind 5mph from ENE reported by Al Roker At 0514 YHC reviewed the 5 core principles and the plan for the day.  YHC is in the…

Figure 8s of Varying Speeds

Weather: mid 70s and steamy – the storms are a coming…. Crabcakes scared off many of the pax with his #fakenews proclamation that it might rain in the gloom, and…

Keeping up with cottontail

Pincher and Trump met for a 5AM rendezvous. Supposedly they cycled, but only they really know… The rest of the PAX met at 6AM. Plan was to ride hidden river…

The One Run Workout I’ve Done Only Once…

Weather:  Not bad for a FL October morning, 74-degrees and humid. Welcome: YHC greeted the handful of pax at exactly 0515 and decided the run wouldn’t run itself. So we…

Sarasota Laps for Life

Mild weather just right for a run. 5 core principles announces. 5K route explained. Glow sticks, shirts and headbands handed out. Brief talk about the cause, then off for a…


Mild weather, 5 core principles announced, mosey with coupon to area of operation, quick warmup of SSH, plyomerkins, and squats… Today’s instruction was given and demonstrated. The Thang: Exercises are…