AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 10/28/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bing, Crabcakes, Fireball, Pincher, Trump, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: mid 70s and steamy – the storms are a coming….

Crabcakes scared off many of the pax with his #fakenews proclamation that it might rain in the gloom, and he was afraid of melting..there was no rain, but rain would have been welcomed with the humidity this gloom.

5:15 struck and off we went with some Figure 8’s on the plan.  Run hard for the large loop, easy on the small loop.

Kudos to both Trump and AirWolf for pushing out of their comfort zones and joining us on the run today.  This should be a testament to the rest of the pax who avoid a running AO in fear of not being able to keep up.  At no time were Airwolf or Trump left fact, Airwolf lead the pax in distance ran..but that is an entirly different story for another time.


  • Wildpax first weekend of December
  • Ed’s Tavern 2nd F tonight


  • 2.0s and the challenges ahead of them
  • Undisclosed pax battling some medical issues
  • Relationships, and trying to live up to the expectations of our Ms (or romance novels)
  • Cud Chewer’s M who is now battling Covid after all her trials and tribulations of the last year
  • Any other spoken or unspoken prayer requests

Always an honor to lead this great group of men!

~Bing out

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