AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 10/07/2021


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bang, Bing, Bluegrass, Brutus, Cornhole, Defib, Enron, Fireball, Goob, Gridlock, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Sir Wallace, Spartan, Spinal Tap, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sir Wallace

The BackBlast:

Mild weather just right for a run.

5 core principles announces. 5K route explained. Glow sticks, shirts and headbands handed out. Brief talk about the cause, then off for a warmup mosey around parking lot with dynamic stretching (walking lunges, high knees, butt kickers, and walking toy soldiers)

Circled up for Warmarama:

SSH, monkey humpers, plank with calve stretches, and Windmills then to the starting line.

the Thang:

All 17 pax lined up to begin the highly anticipated, never overrated, Sarasota Laps for Life 5K – Fort Hamar edition, to benefit My Choice pregnancy center.With a ready, set, Go!!!  The men were off to the races.

AirWolf using caution, was quick to get to the pedestrian crossing button in time for safe passage. It wasn’t long before YHC was left in the dust, but everyone finished with Plenty of time on the clock including Spartan who finished strong even after inadvertently taking the longer scenic route on the way back.

Grabbed a few refreshments then ended the event in our circle of trust.


announcements: signup for WildPax F3 men’s get away before it’s too late.

praises: to all who participated in this event, demonstrating what it looks like to lead and live right!

prayers: for Mr. Clean, his M and family who need healing right now and give them hope for a brighter tomorrow.

also, to Enron who’s 2.0 is undergoing surgery Monday, that God’s will is with the medical staff.


Every single one of us are created by God, for God. He has boundless love for each of us and with a specific purpose. He breathes life into our bodies along with an everlasting spirit at the moment we our conceived in our mother’s womb. We find real peace with true happiness and fulfillment once we replace selfish ambition and desires with forgiveness, love and compassion.

Judges 13:5You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite, dedicated to God from the womb.


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