MysteriOus guest Q

Being voluntold Q, I reached deep into the bag of thoughts to bring out a Mysterio of a workout. 12 pax headed out with 6 coupons… a conveniently and MYSTERIOUS

5 Year Beatdown

Welcome to YHCs 5 year anniversary beatdown.  More on that later.  The 5 core principles  were given along with the disclaimer and mission statement.  Time for a mosey and a…

Brutus SubstiQ

Pre-blast: No time.  Last minute Q in place of Kotter, who had a sick 2.0 @ 3:24AM… PREP:  Whip out an old weinke.  Right? WEATHER: 69 and kinda humid 5:15AM:…

Kinda like a Dora, but worse.

As a few PAX (including FNG!) finished up Insane Bad Clown, 5:15 rolled around @ the Bad Clown.  Mozy to traffic circle where we performed The Big Sexy! At each…

ABSolutely stupid

The morning started with a few Pax partaking of some pre-work.  The weather was perfect, and the air was heavy with anticipation. We started with the 5CP and mission statement.…

Bring F3 2 U – Buffalo Creek

2/4/23 Weather – 51 degrees – chilly, but sunny 7:30 start time and Pax circled up. 5 Core Principles were given and Disclaimer was said. Warm Up consisted of Strawberry…

Tow and Go

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Bring F32U Harrison Ranch.

Great morning to Bring F32U!!  A few gathered at The Tower, disclaimer and 5 core principles, did a quick Mozy, strawberry pickers, Strawberry Pickers and 10 burpees.  We then mobilized…

“Cadence Calls and Interval Running.”

Backblast for F3 “Bad Clown: Beatdown” A.O. Date: January 21st, 2023 Q: Pork Roll Weather: Perfect, the mid-60s, low humidity, with a light breeze PAX: 10 Today, I decided to…