AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 03/24/2023


Number of Pax: 23

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bernie, Beta Max, Big Mac, Callahan, Chilipepper, Condenser, Defib, Fireball, Foot loose, Jane doe, Miso, Pork Roll, Ripken, Sea Lion, Sir Wallace, SnapShot, Sonic Boom, Spamalot, Spartan, Teletubby, Usher, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 4

FNG Names: Bernie, Jane Doe, Mido, Footloose

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

Welcome to YHCs 5 year anniversary beatdown.  More on that later.  The 5 core principles  were given along with the disclaimer and mission statement.  Time for a mosey and a stop for some SSH, Strawberry Pickers and Motivators from 10-down.

We then mosied over to in front of Target for some big balls.  The PAX paired up.  Each pair would proceed to a red ball with two exercises.  One member would do one excercise and the other would do the other exercise, then switch excercises.  Once they completed the exercises,  all PAX would proceed one ball and do the next excercises.  The group at the North end would proceed to the South end then work back to the North.
We made our way back to the turf for a 6 minute round of Mary until time ended.

I know this F3 is not supposed to be about me, but this beatdown was.

5 years and 2 weeks ago I had finished walking Celery Fields and noticed this group of guys running around with a flag and doing a bunch of excercises.  Kotter approached me at the picnic table, he explained F3 to me and asked me to join them the next week, which turned into 2 weeks due to being out of town.

My first beatdown down was very hard.  Up and down the hill, running up, bunny hopping up.  Condenser help pick me up, the six.

Many beatdowns later, and still being picked up as the six, I love what F3 has done for me, and I hope that I have inspired others who joined after me.  Thank you to all.

Announcements: lunch today at
Slim Chicken at 12:00, Thank you Big Mac
VMA awards ceremony today
Parrish parade tomorrow at 9:00
Mysterio2 April 29

Spamalots friends Starfish family
Sur Wallace’s father
Ripkens Cardio test
Fireballs home improvements
Drews wife Kelsie

Praises: praise for all that came out to celebrate. Especially the the four FNGs, welcome

It is always a great pleasure to lead this group of HIM.

SnapShot 📸

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