Disrupting the Bad Clown

Good Morning!  The Bad Clown was ready to go!  5:15, disclaimer and 5 core principles.   Warm-0-rama, Mozy with Butt Kickers and High Knees.  We circled the water fountain a…

New Site Q for Monday Winn-Dixieland is who?

Merkins abounded and the mumblechatter abated during this tabata-style beatdown. 14 regular pax were joined by 4 runners; WX: 76 degrees and humid, but no precip., so it was a…

Novelty Acts

Novelty Acts — same exercises, just in a different order. Not my VQ, but my VQ for Bad Clown and by far the biggest AO I’ve Q’ed. Free Open to…

Not So Rainy After All

Warm-Up: Started with Mosey around the parking lot followed by Side Straddle Hops x20 Strawberry Pickers x15 Michael Phelps x15 Agitators x15 Lunge position each leg for 10 and switch…

Merkins and a Mile+

Puddin’ was a DR guest from NC. We should probably get him into the scrolls of Suncoast… he posts more than some locals. Many merkins with minimal mumblechatter (once Sonic…

UC, Tabata can be fun!

Merkins were plentiful and the mumblechatter minimal for this tabata-style beatdown Started with a mosey (butt-kickers, high knees, karaoke, nur, and toy soldiers) followed by SSH, strawberry pickers, windmills, and…


This was a workout inspired by Big Mac and some of the leadership he’s shown with PAX. The aim of the workout was to produce discussion on what we’re afraid…

SanFrancisco/Ripkenlines and Gridlock hill

65f and dark… oh yeah, early Chore principals and disclaimers mentioned Mozi  the usual The Warm up SSH, strawberry pickers, Merkins,Michael Phelps,arm circles and “Bad Back Stretches” The Thang  Ripken…

Let Me Clear My Throat

Running is over-rated (that phrase is trademarked by Pudge). It’s bad for the knees and makes you all sweaty. So we decided to do an entire beatdown without any running.…