Immua means “GO” to move forward!

Warm up: 20 side straddle hops, strawberry pickers, hill Billy walkers, agitators, Michael Phelps, Bad Back Stretch’s. dynamic stretch: lunges, toy soldiers, butt kicks, high knees. mosey: run, curb step…

Octagon Drill

2/23/2021  HH Beatdown 0515 66F clear with plenty of morning dew Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community…

F%#^n Ruck n buckets!

5:15 am, crisp with a little haze to start of this Friday.  5 core principles were addressed and disclaimers were shared.  Accelerate but don’t injure yourself (too much) in the…

Just the basics

Thanks to Thor for saving me from a solo beatdown.  Not so much running compared to my first 2 Qs.  I’ll note for the burpee-obsessed among us that the beatdown…

Burpees Day 1

Weather: not cold Got there a few minutes early to get my 100 burpees in before the beatdown, and when I pulled up Sir Wallas was already ahead of me…oh…

Compete Against Yourself

YHC arrived at Heritage Harbor to the sight of PAX taking part in Chilipepper’s Billion Burpee Challenge. Well, technically Olympus was taking part. Everyone else was standing around, hands in…

Sneaking in those Burpees!!!

Warm’o Rama Mozy to the bridge, butt kickers, side shuffles, skippies.  Once at the bridge we did 10 deep squats holding the railing.  Followed by 10 deep squats with one…

Getting After it again

Weather – mid 70’s and high humidity The clock struck 7, with the FNGs no where in sight, but the disclaimer was shared along with the core principles and off…