1776 Patriot Games v. 2023

The Suncoast PAX rallied with 48 strong including a handful of down range men who traveled to join us as we met for the annual 1776 Patriot Games. (Most notably…

The Pusher

Date: June 19, 2023 / Monday AO: Meatgrinder (formerly Dixie Land) QIC: Pork Roll The Thang: Our Monday 05:15 meet at the Meatgrinder was in honor of our brother Pusher,…

Abs, Buns & Guns

5:15a standard intro announced, Pusher lead the Ruckers, beatdown began with warmorama. The Thang: 25 reps each exercise, run a  lap, next round Round 1 V-ups, jump squats, Merkins Round…

The Murph & Passing of the Flag

Today was a day to honor the fallen soldiers that gave us all our freedoms.  After the 5CP and Mission statement, PorkRoll led us off with the singing of the…

Total Leg Destruction

A wet 75F 98% humidity 5 Core Principles and disclaimer announced. Warmup: Mosey with dynamic stretching including side shuffles, butt kickers, high knees, karaoke, walking lunges, toy soldiers then circle…

Christmas in June? Burpees!!!

So today is an important day, Like Christmas 4 Me.. Today is Royal H. Burpee 124st birthday. A brief history of the Burpee.. Created in 1939 to find a simple…

Recycling Monday with no man left behind

When YHC rolled into the parking lot around 4:35am, he was surprised to see many cars.  Several had already ventured off on a pre-ruck which they may come to regret…

.37 over and over

75 and humid….. YHC arrived at 0500 to find the entrance to the parking lot partially blocked by a motor vehicle and observed Goob walking away from the automobile……YHC checked…

Bday Q, HH going strong!

What a great way to start my bday than a beatdown at HH!! we had a F3 brother visitor from NC (tater hole, or something like that..). Started, as always,…

Total Leg Destruction

60F and Clear Special Welcome to our returning NC downrange guest “Goat” from F3 CapeFear! Warmup: Mosey with dynamic stretching including butt kickers, high knees, karaoke, walking lunges, toy soldiers,…