AO: Dixieland - Monday

When: 01/04/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: AirWolf, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Goob, Lobstah, Pincher, Posh, Ripken, Thor,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Warm’o Rama

  • Mozy to the bridge, butt kickers, side shuffles, skippies.  Once at the bridge we did 10 deep squats holding the railing.  Followed by 10 deep squats with one leg each.  We then filed up and did an single file alternating run back to get H2O and to the echo chamber.

The Thang.

4 rounds of 45 on 15 off

  • Break dance burpees with child pose
  • Plank Drop Mountain Climber (4 count)
  • Shoulder tap (4 count) Burpee
  • Flutter Kicks (4 Count) with Knee Crunch

During the second round of Plank Drops, Thunderstruck came on and Burpee time!!  Completing that round we continued with the Plank Drops.  Once completed the futter kick LBC combo, what mysteriously came on the radio, another round of Thunderstruck.    So that is 68 burpees plus 40 or so from the Brake Dance Burpees and Shoulder Tap Burpees.


  • Prayers for Ripken’s Father in Law and some complications to surgery
  • Thor’s 2.0 oral surgery going on today
  • For Chilipepper’s brother in law’s father that lost his fight to cancer this morning while we worked out, but is basking in the glory of God!
  • Bings ankle
  • Our First Responders, Military, Police and our Nation.

Y me voy, Chilipepper out.

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