AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 03/29/2023


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Beta Max, Big Mac, Jimmy Dean, Kotter, Ponzi, Rapino, SnapShot, Spartan, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Na

QIC: JimmyDean

The BackBlast:

Conditions: 71 degrees ,humid and dark

From Down Range we enjoyed the company of Scantron from Cincinnati….we jogged The round about and did Nur,kerioke

Warmup: SSH, Merkins, Imperial walkers, Strawberry pickers and bad back stretches

The Thang: We started w an old stack workout, in between exercises we jogged approx. 60 yards to 2’wall and did step ups or tricep dips.  Every time you got back you had to repeat the prior exercises before starting the next!

20 Ssh

20 overhead claps

20 squats or jump squats

20 LBCs

20 Carolina dry docks

10 lunges each leg

20 American hammers

20 Merkins

40 Mountain climbers

10 burpees

We broke away from the stack with 10 minutes left to do line gassers (line touch drill) and w 5 minutes left and the pax huffing and puffing we finished the stack…..

COT: no praises or prayer request.

F3 Suncoast anniversary convergence Saturday led by Bing

Sup Run 5/6

Gator Wilderness 4/22

sorry… I am missing a couple🙄

JD out

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