Peanut Butter Blast

YHC was on Q, twice this week thanks to Bing… Prior to launch there was some chatter about a seafood buffet being formed at the Hammer, but this gloom there…

Trump’s Homework

Great crisp morning with a slight breeze. 5 Core principles were a ounces and disclaimers given.  It was announced that the Pax should thanks Trump for the forthcoming beatdown.. Mozy…

It’s a big day- PINCHER HAS CRABS

CONGRATULATIONS were in order- PINCHER HAS CRABS!!   Posh and Lobstah rolled in to the parking lot at 5:14:18 this fine gloom and by the time their feet hit the…

Leading By Example

Weather: Absolutely Perfect 5:15 struck, core principles reviewed, and disclaimer was given.  The Pax were reminded our last Bing Beatdown that included no running, well, that was the past, it’s…

We Ran

Weather: 77 and 90% humidity The same six pax from last week took on the northern loop this time, with YHC and Lobstah modifying the distance with an out and…

Welcome Back Marvel!!

Brutus tipped us off on Sunday evening that Marvel, after 8 months away for Army training, was planning on attending in the gloom.  Obviously, this was great news and many…

Ft Hamer Comes Alive

Weather: Fantastic After a wayward suggestion to shutter the Fort Hamer run AO, the pax showed up to prove that was truly a terrible idea! 6 in total including a…

Winter Has Come

Winter has arrived in Florida. Temperatures this morning plunged down as far as about 75°C and with the wind-chill it felt more like 70°C. As the PAX shivered in the…

Morons and Metallica

At precisely 5:15am, Goob announced it was time to start the beatdown.  Once he figured out there were no FNG’s, he quickly ran through the 5 core principles- highlighted by…

Morning WOD (Word of the day) Wait

18 Pax for 5th day of the Chilipepper week of beatdowns.  Pax gathered at top parking lot, 5 core principles and disclaimers were shared and Mozy incorporating… Super Sexy  10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Pickle Pointers, 10…