Playground with a Dora

67 degrees and clear. At 5:10 it looked like I might be going solo, then head lights appeared.  With 5 in attendance, I gave the five core principals and we…

Christmas Beatdown

A very pleasant 62F made for a very nice turn out of Men, M’s & 2.0 totaling 64. Mr.Clean started us off with the 5 core principles and good solid…

The cards were in charge

QIC- Goob Weather- closer to normal 60 With WildPax happening at the same time, Goob was pleasantly surprised with 6 additional PAX braving the morning.  That is where the bravery…

Under the Christmas Lights

Conditions: 56 windy w low humidity. Warmup/Mozy  SSH,Strawberry pickers,Michael Phelps, arm circles and bad back stretches The Thang We headed 1/4 mile over to the West path to the mall on…

Cores and meteors

Weather: A beautiful clear sky with meteors streaming across it and a cool 63 degrees (with a wind chill ?) 515 the PAX were antsy due to the chill and…

Celery Field 5 Star

Breezy mid 70s nice morning. Papa Smurf and I started right on time.  We did some old men stretches, since we are old men.  We mozied down Palmer stopping at…

2020 Three-Way

The year is 2020, which is probably enough said, I just threw in the Three-Way to get Big Mac’s attention. Actually it does play a role. Mission statement and core…

Thurmanator’s Ladder of Pain

PREP:  This Q slot was open as of 9 days prior, and YHC was aware that frequent visitor F3 Thurmanator was DR from Greensboro, so we agreed to co-Q.  There…

Burpee Town

Conditions:75 and clear! Mozi and Warmup We circled the bridges and did the usual… high knees, kerioke, Nur and jog. We then circled up for SSH, Imperial Walkers, Michael Phelps,…