AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 10/20/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Big Mac, Condenser, Jimmy Dean, Papa Smurf, SnapShot, Steel, Trane,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: JimmyDean

The BackBlast:

Conditions:75 and clear!

Mozi and Warmup

We circled the bridges and did the usual… high knees, kerioke, Nur and jog. We then circled up for SSH, Imperial Walkers, Michael Phelps, arm circles, strawberry pickers and Bad Back Stetches!

The Thang

We headed to the base of the tower.

100 LBCs  10 burpees

90 Mountain climbers 9 burpees

80 Squats 8 burpees

70 Freddy Mercury’s 7 Burpees

60 Lunges 6 burpees

50 Imperial Walkers 5 burpees

40 Merkins 4 burpees

30 Arm circles 3 burpees

20 Heels to Heaven 2 burpees

10 San Francisco’s 1 Burpee

In between each exercise we jogged to the steps and did tricep dips or step ups.



Give to Give ends October 31


Tranes wife Sarah is on the mend!


Sarahs upcoming surgeries

Ripkens wife Lori

David and cancer

SnapShot daughter and new Grand Baby being born Saturday and safe travels to TN.


Joe’s addiction

As always, Thanks for letting me Q and be a part of F3!
Jimmy Dean out…

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