Into the darkness

Typical warm humid summer morning. Five core principles announced. Warmorama: Arm circles, imperial walkers, flutter kicks, mountain climbers, Toy soldiers plus everyone performed 10 penalty burpees for the 2 pax…

Why is it important?

Pre-Job Brief: Reviewed the 5 core principles and advised the 17 hardy souls to get in last minute hydration. Sgt. Buck stayed in the barracks today, YHC instead opting for…

Spartan Challenge

18 PAX and 2 down range guests dared to take on the Spartan Challenge. Warm-up: Mosey to Bridge led by Lobstaah with Butt kickers, High knees, Karaoke and Nur Circle up.…

Lighthouse Up-Down Beatdown

Great to have Papertrail with us this morning as a downrange visitor. It’s also awesome to have Mr Clean out with us, putting in full effort even with just one…

Elsa where are you?

77 Degrees overcast skies wind 8mph but Elsa and her rain stayed away….. YHC arrived a few minutes early to set up the parking lot in preparation for today’s beatdown. …

Tabata Time!!!!

For those who aren’t familiar, Tabata workouts are sets of exercises for 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off.  We did 8 sets per round alternating back and forth between…

Pyro 1 year Anniversary

Today was the 1 year anniversary of when I joined F3. We started with a short mosy around the parking lot with butt kickers, nur and karaoke. Then we proceeded…

Stagecoaches Relay Races

“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.” We will be doing a little Sir Wallace Special – HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training We will…

Feeding America and Pit of Misery

Weather: Steamy and upper 70s Pax assembled for what was going to be a great morning.  With one FNG present, the disclaimer was shared and off we went for a…

Stagecoaches 4 corners

“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.” There are four quadrants of preparedness: get right, live right, lead right and leave right – First Quadrant (Q1):…