When: 06/29/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Chilipepper, Dr Feelgood, Dragnet, Gamecock, Olympus, Sir Wallace, Spartan, Spinal Tap, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Stagecoach

The BackBlast:

“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.”

We will be doing a little Sir Wallace Special HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training

We will get your heart rates up, we will have some fun  

YHC showed up a few minutes early to find Spartan waiting on us  I blocked the parking lot to keep the PAX cars away from the playground Sir Wallace was kind enough to bring a few coupons for me  for the races.

Love having downrange PAX, Mudslide form Naperville, Illinois joined us this gloom. He brought his own coupon, quite impressive


Lets start with a MOZY

All exercises in Cadence

1) Next Exercise is….

2) Starting position move…

3) In Cadence

4) Exercise

Warm up:

SSH (4 count)

Strawberry Pickers (4 count)

Merkins (4 count)

L/R/C leg stretches

Burpees!!! 5 count


The Tang HIIT Relay Races

Break into 2 Groups, COUNT OFF 1,2,1,2

We had 10 for the beatdown son5 per team, but Olympus had to modify so team 1 had to recycle on of the PAX for reach race. This came to be an advantage for team 2 as the races went on.

1) Race around the cone – Racer needs to push the Cinder block around the cone – while the rest of the team does SSH’s

Then the entire team needs to run around the cone.

WINNER 15 Carolina Dry Docks

LOSER – 10 Burpees

2) Race around the Lot racer need to Karaoke run around the cone while the rest of the team does Moracian Night Clubs  

Then the entire team needs to run around the lot.

WINNER – 15 Merkins

LOSER 10 Burpees

3) Step Ups – racer needs to do 10 step ups (5 per leg)

The rest of the team has to do Over head claps

WINNER – 15 decline Merkins

LOSER – 10 Burpees

If enough time RINSE and REPEAT or Make stuff up… 

However at this point I realized we had grossly underestimated my beatdown. So what does a Q do at that point??? Start making things up. With the help of the PAX we were able to keep the relay race theme going. Sir Wallace was nice enough to offer a few coupon push relay race ideas, we spent some more time on at the benches doing decline merkin relays. Overall the PAX was spent, WAY TOO MANY BURPEES, we still had a few minutes so we took a mozy to help get the heart rates down. We then went into a round robin where Olympus and Spinal Tap graced us with a few “Germans” before the 6:00 bell rang .


Spoke to Mudslide afterwards and he mentions just how humid it is here!! I did ask him about his name, if you want to know the origin ask me at the next beatdown, it is not pleasant…


Praise our kids, be intentional and specific (also M’s)

1776 next Saturday 7/3 AP, also signup sheet for party afterwards  still had openings

Christina Latino Memorial 8k  please support

Green Beret 7/10 Celery Fields


Olympus Dr appt. today

Spinal Tap’s grandfather who had a few strokes recently

Chilipeppers parents travel back to Cali

all those unspoken prayers

YHC career search



STAGECOACH out… come on…



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