Monday doesn’t totally feel like Monday after Hurricane Ian passed through…
It was a glorious morning to share the 5 core principles and reconnect following Hurricane Ian passing through the area. WX: 71 deg, low humidity and clear skies. YHC also…
It was a glorious morning to share the 5 core principles and reconnect following Hurricane Ian passing through the area. WX: 71 deg, low humidity and clear skies. YHC also…
Welcome to my B-Day Q Week!! Day 1. Disclamer and 5 Core Principles. Mozy around parkinglot with Nur, Nur Butt Kickers, Nur High Knees. Accelerators starting from 8, followed by…
Conditions: 75 and great Mozy: jogged around behind the Publix and included SSHs , Nur, Micheal Phelps The Warmup: SSH, Imperial Walkwers,Strawberry Pickers, Arm Circles, Merkins, Mountain Climber and Bad Back Stretches! The…
7 Pax took to the Gloom with “Rediscover the Eighties: Rock” in their ears and Dixieland’s supple pavement under their hands, feet, six, and stomach. WX: 76 degrees, but still…
Humidity? Check. Pax? Check Time for this week’s edition of the best AO in the region with “ocean” views. Mission Statement 5 Core Principles Warm o Rama SSH,…
Humidity was high, but we welcomed back Mugsy on this steamy Monday Gloom for a tabata-style beatdown. 9 pax sought to start the week right! WX: 76 degrees and H…
Oh what a glorious morning..with a nice smoky smell due to the controlled fires on SR 54, 4 pax strong began with the 5 core principles and an extended warmup,…
Disclaimers, Five Core Principles and a quick mozy with high knees and nur. We circled up and did IC 101 SSH, 10 IC Strawberry pickers, 15 IC Merkins, …
Started with a mosey, some butt kickers, side shuffles (where I was incorrected by Blade Runner), high knees and karaoke, then circled up for some Abe Vigotas, arm circles, and…
Novelty Acts II Free Open to all men Held outside rain or shine Led in a rotating fashion Ends in a circle of trust Mosey with the usual drills 10…