AO: Dixieland - Monday

When: 09/26/2022


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Chilipepper, Jimmy Dean, Mrs. Doubtfire, Mugsy, Pork Roll, Spamalot, Spartan, Teletubby,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Welcome to my B-Day Q Week!!  Day 1.

Disclamer and 5 Core Principles.  Mozy around parkinglot with Nur, Nur Butt Kickers, Nur High Knees.  Accelerators starting from 8, followed by straberry pickers, streching and perfect merkins.

The Thang..  1st & 8.  8 cones set roughly at 10 yards (30 ft).  Perform 8 Burppies then 1 Perfrect Merkin at cone 1.  Mozy back.  Perform 7 Burppies then 2 Perfect Merkings at cone 2, etc till you perform 1 Burppie and 8 Perfect Merkins at cone 8.  The twist, mode of transportion to cones, Bear Crawl.

T-Claps to Hard Hiti’n for coming down range from Atlanta!  Welcome brother, hope to see you again!


Connor Recovery Columbus PAX

Iron Man PAX in Agusta

All those affected by the Ivan

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