When: 08/16/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Mugsy, Olympus, Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Olympus

The BackBlast:

Oh what a glorious morning..with a nice smoky smell due to the controlled fires on SR 54, 4 pax strong began with the 5 core principles and an extended warmup, Olympus-style. A bit of dynamic stretching (knee to chest, heals to butt, lunge progression, hamstring stretch, toy soldiers, bird feeders) mixed with some mosey jog and some drills (side shuffle, karaoke, a skip. b skip, ner). We got nice and warmed up.

The Thang:

Circuit Workout

Run to the fire hydrant stations Before run, split jumps x10, or merkins x10, or squat jumps x10


  1. American Hammer (1min)
  2. Germans (open/close arms and legs) (x1min)
  3. Jump to the bench or step ups (x20)
  4. Freddie Mercury (x1min)
  5. Burpees w/ forward hop (x15)
  6. Walking lunges forward (x20 each leg)
  7. CDD (x1min)
  8. Walking lunges backward (x20 each leg)
  9. Merkins with “help” from parking bar (x10 left arm, x10 right arm, x10 regular)
  10. Germans (up/down arms and legs) (x1min)
  11. Rows (x1min)

That took us to the 0600 hour. We will need to do the other half of the workout I had planned on another day….

You are welcome.

Olympus Out

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