Insane @ Bad Clown

Another great and humid morning.  Disclosures and 5 core principles for the 3 brave souls that came out for the pre-beatdown… Did a quick mozy, SSH and bro-GA to get…

New Site Q for Monday Winn-Dixieland is who?

Merkins abounded and the mumblechatter abated during this tabata-style beatdown. 14 regular pax were joined by 4 runners; WX: 76 degrees and humid, but no precip., so it was a…

Celery Fields Ruck

The unofficial VQ to the start of the official VQ week. Four pax graciously showed up to the short notice ruck at celery fields…after being called out of course. 5:15am…

Honoring Murph

A beautiful morning at Adventure Park.  A good time to remember what this day was all about. At promptly 7:00 a.m., Ripken started with the 5CP and sent the Pax…

All Proper and Stuff

Mozy,  a round the rotunda.  High Knees, butt kickers, Nur..  Upon return we circled up and Thunder Struck.  SSH and burpee on Thunder.   We then reviewed a few basic…

4 corners… of urine?

Weather- Florida summer (yes I know it’s mid May); humid humid humid At 5:15am, YHC filling in for Crabcakes, laid out the 5 core principles, did not see an FNG,…

CSAUP 5/22

  CSAUP, May 13th 2022 was an incredible 3 hour rucking workout planned by Brutus. This workout strengthened the bond I have with the F3 guys. There is something about…

Do or Do Not, there is no Try

May the 4th Be With You!  Starwars inspired beatdown… Mozy.  With stops doing… Jedi Shuffle Imperial Soldiers (toy Soldiers) Imperial Walkers Side Straddle JarJars. Yoda Humpers Light Saber Pointers  …

Let Me Clear My Throat

Running is over-rated (that phrase is trademarked by Pudge). It’s bad for the knees and makes you all sweaty. So we decided to do an entire beatdown without any running.…

Via Dolorosa, the Way of Suffering.

10:11 PM Lovely morning to share a beatdown but also some reflection with the PAX.  Disclaimer was uttered and 5 core principles announced.  No warm-o-rama today..  Today not only is…