AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - FridayEcho Chamber - Saturday

When: 06/17/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Chilipepper, Kotter, Pyro, Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Another great and humid morning.  Disclosures and 5 core principles for the 3 brave souls that came out for the pre-beatdown…

Did a quick mozy, SSH and bro-GA to get things moving.  Pax grabbed assorted weights 45 to 25 ls.  Max weight till failure, then drop sets.


The burn

Started with 10 IC reps of each excursive.  We then set a timer for 45 seconds on, no rest between sets.   Completed 3 more rounds.

  • Bicep curl
  • Overhead press
  • Triceps extension
  • Around the world  (holding weight with both hands you move it around your head in a circular motion keeping your elbows in front of your shoulders)
  • KB Swing


Intermission 1 – Partner Pain

Divided in 2 teams of 2 PAX.  Pax 1 would do Chilipepper Ab Walkers (on your 6 and do LBS with a side motion as to move laterally).  Pax 2 did Sand Bag Burpee’s.  Once Pax 2 finished they flipped.


  • Abdominal walkers / Sand Bag Burpee’s x 15


Back to the Burn, completed 2 sets

Another round of Intermissions this time 8 Sand Bag Burpees

Back to the Burn for 1 round.

5:15 so we continued to the Kotter Beatdown.


Shout out to Kotter, Pyro and Sir Wallace that dared to show up for this extended beat down.

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