The Return of Pincher

Weather: 69 nice degrees with outer outer bands of tropical storm winds After months and months of running, biking and swimming a lot (so I’m told), Pincher made a triumphant…

58 and Counting

Conditions: 70 dark and muggy… did not feel like a crisp 58 degrees Mozy and Warmup: little jog included SSH, Nur and kerioke.  More SSH, strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps, arm circle’s,…

Like water off a duck’s…. nevermind

This last OCT morning mean the pax were primed for Halloween in 2 days. WX: 70-ish degrees, moderate humidity. There were no FNGs and Fireball brought his bike into the…

Condenser 5 year

Arrived to see Chilipepper and Sir Wallace going hard at the pre Insanity workout. Good work brothers! started off with the mission statement, and the five core principles. Added disclaimer…

October 25

5AM EC = Pinch + Rip. Very Fast. Then Rip went home. 6AM = Brutus + Fireball (old) + Pinch. Not as fast. Brutus

Target Time

Weather: Upper 50’s and glorious With an FNG present, disclaimer, core principles and mission statement were reviewed in specific details.  Mozi then ensued that included nur, side shuffle x2, high…


Treat lot as a square: the 2 long sidewalks from store entry being the 2 sides and making 4 corners (1 corner at each end of the sidewalks) merkins at…


Beautiful Day in the gloom. YHC showed up ready to roll with log coupons for the beatdown. Confusion about was the Q. Bing was ready, but yielded (rightfully so) since…

IronPAX Week 3

Great morning for Week 3 of the IPC!  Short disclamer, 5 Core Principles and review of the WOD.  Let’s Go! This WOD is dedicated to Kathleen (M of Burns from…