Off the Cuff

66F mild weather – 0700 acknowledged our FNG’s, introduced YHC, 5 core principles and disclaimer announced. Started off with a brisk mosey to dog park muddled with dynamic stretching warmaroma:…

Shared Leadership… what you want!

Weather:  Good The Ft Hamer AO was buzzing this morning..and there were a lot of guys eager to accelerate their fitness.  YHC declared that there would be a rucking option…

Mario Kart

Weather: 68F and dew point about the same — not bad for winter. Welcome: At 0515, promptly greeted the pax and clipped-off the 5 core principles and disclaimer. Away we went…

Minute Man

Overcast clouds 68 Degrees Humidity 77% Wind at 3mph from the East…..   YHC at 0550 to find Cottontail and Yamaha already on site and waiting to get started…..those who…

Old School

Original plan: Intervals. Replacement plan: Old school 6 mile loop. Weather: Might have ran, might have swam. Not sure…. Pace: Enron Prayers: Fireball – Strength, and continued blessings for himself,…

Full Body Blast

60F foggy gloom 6 Pax arrive on time and ready to work. warmorama: SSH, Plyo-Merkins, toy soldiers, one minute wall-sit thang: 10 shoulder taps, 10 burpees, 10 long swimmers, 10…

Black Friday — BOGO’s Everywhere!

Weather: 54F and low dew point — perfect for Christmas shopping. Welcome: At 0515, promptly greeted the pax and strolled through the 5 core principles and disclaimer. Greeted three downrange…

As easy as counting 1 to 5

Weather: cold (50 degrees) We had a visiting fax from Chattanooga TN, Woodrotter (probably spelling is wrong..). He was lucky to get the Olympus beatdown. Heading to St Pete’s AO…


The weather was beautiful like Farah Faucet in 1986, but drier. After an announcement of all the niceties, we headed off for some bridge work, butt kickers, karaokes, etc. The…

It’s beginning to feel like – Turkey!

Cold morning in Sarasota FL.  48 with a nice cooling breeze.  PAX started promptly at 5:15, disclaimers were announced and the 5 Core Principles shared. Free Open to all Men…