AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 12/17/2021


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Bluegrass, Defib, Dragnet, Fireball, Gridlock, Papa Smurf, Posh, Pyro, SnapShot, Speed bump, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Gridlock

The BackBlast:

Weather: 68F and dew point about the same — not bad for winter.

Welcome: At 0515, promptly greeted the pax and clipped-off the 5 core principles and disclaimer. Away we went for a mosey that included butt-kickers, high knees, merkins, ssh’s and strawberry pickers.

The Thang: The game was Mario Kart. During the mosey, YHC took the pax along the “full course” route from the parking lot out to Cattlemen then right, back into the parking lot and down yonder around the backside of the tower where some good tunes were playing.

As in Mario Kart, the pax would be equipped with weapons that they could deploy at their leisure as they sauntered around the course. The rules were as follows: each pax starts with 20-reps that could be used to deploy any exercise he chooses. If a pax chooses, say 20 burpees, all the pax that get caught-up in them (by running into the general area), said pax must do the full 20 burpees. Once a pax completed a given exercise, he was no longer required to do the same exercise again if another pax deployed a duplicate exercise (to encourage creativity / variety in the exercises). After expending the initial 20-reps, each pax could replenish reps in two ways. Completing one lap allowed for a fresh set of 20 reps to be deployed in whatever way  a pax wished. If the pax also climbed the tower after completing the loop, he gained an additional set of 30 reps, for a grand total of 50 reps to be deployed along the course.

The pax continued to run the route (shortcuts allowed, but if a shortcut was taken, the option to climb the tower for 30 reps was not allowed) and deploy weapons (aka exercises) as they went. There were all kinds of weapons deployed: mountain climbers (x50), American hammers (x100), some snail like thing (x50, thanks posh), burpees (x20), surfees (x20), flutters (x50), Freddy merks (x20), bicycle kicks (x80), big boys (x20), and there were others that YHC didn’t happen to stumble upon. All told, the pax covered lots of ground and did plenty of exercises. At 0600, pax met at the tower top-deck for the extracurriculars.

Announcements: Jingle Run, Glow Run for Cat, Salvation Army outreach a success.

Prayer Requests / Praises:

  1. Chili’s dad.
  2. Sea Lion and Bubbles health and ongoing tests.
  3. Snapshot’s brother-in-law’s funeral.
  4. Stress of the season and those struggling during this time.

It was fun,


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