Apparently cyclists are afraid of the wind or they were still pouting because Alabama fell to Georgia or they didn’t get enough shuteye or who knows what the excuse was…

Solo, or so I thought…

Weather: 68F and dew point about the same. No complaining allowed. Welcome: YHC and Defib set off on an extra credit ride, launching at 0400. When complete, Defib peeled-off to…

Rampage of Gratitude

We started with a warm-up and 2 minutes of Rampage of Gratitude, where we formed groups of two and rapid fired what we’re grateful for going back and forth. The…

Rolling into a Good Start

Breaking in 2022 without excuses. YHC arrived @05:45 to get some EC run miles and to set up cones on the way for the BD. Cones set every 1/4 mile,…

NEW KOM Figure 8 Loop

The Hammer was on Fire today, first cause we had Pyro show up and second cause there was some blazing paces put down. YHC was on Q and had heard…

The Bert Hero WOD and One Word

Welcome Downrange Guests Life Boat (F3 Cherokee), Coxswain (F3 Churham) and Semi (F3 First State – Delaware) Disclaimer was shared along with the 5 core principles, and we were off…

12 Pains of Christmas

Pre-blast: Yep, with a note to cyclists of the 44F windchill should they choose to ride. Effective?  Yep, cycling cancelled! Until Fireball and Tea Cup showed up (late).   PREP:  (significantly)…

Losing the Q Virginity

Weather: 59F, cloudy, and awesome 18 Pax showed up to support my (Sonic Boom) VQ, even the Ruc guys stayed for the beatdown, it was great. Thank you, Chilipeper, Cavallino,…