AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 01/11/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Brutus, Fireball, Pincher, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Crabcakes

The BackBlast:

Apparently cyclists are afraid of the wind or they were still pouting because Alabama fell to Georgia or they didn’t get enough shuteye or who knows what the excuse was this morning but certainly there was a lot of FARTSACKING going on.

YHC woke up and checked the weather… was 57 degrees with winds at 16mph and gusts up to 23mph out of NNE.  YHC knew that the predetermined route was going to present some challenges but also an opportunity to strengthen the legs.

YHC Mapped out a course that was about 2/3rd’s on the NE side of the Ranch and a 1/3 on the Mid East side of the ranch.

All told YHC, Pincher and Fireball covered approximately 20 miles in just over an hour.

Trump rode during the EC hour and Brutus joined us for a portion of the ride but had to be home at 0700 to change the toilet paper roll.



New Watchtower AO this Saturday.

Bridge of Life5k  2/5

Raider Rise and Run 5k 3/12


Trump for safe travels back to the dreaded Northeast

Crabcakes for his MIL to get the medical attention that she needs


Always fun to ride around the ranch,



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