Hamer Time – and a late Q

Weather: Hot and steamy YHC is outta his routine by not picking up Pincher to clown car to Hamer Time, so he arrived much earlier than normal..and was followed in…


7 PAX members came out to support SIG’s VQ at the Tower in a hot and muggy Parrish FL. Core Principles and Disclaimer was performed and we headed off for…

New Site Q for Monday Winn-Dixieland is who?

Merkins abounded and the mumblechatter abated during this tabata-style beatdown. 14 regular pax were joined by 4 runners; WX: 76 degrees and humid, but no precip., so it was a…

Novelty Acts

Novelty Acts — same exercises, just in a different order. Not my VQ, but my VQ for Bad Clown and by far the biggest AO I’ve Q’ed. Free Open to…

Death by Abs

Hey, it’s VQ week.  Or new Q where you’ve never Q’d week. With that in mind, YHC decided to take on the toughest AO in the whole region.  However, with…

Tribute for 21

78° and 87% humid 5 Core principles and disclaimer were given. At 5:15 Crabgrass and YHC took off on a short mosey down the street between the buildings.  We were…

Not So Rainy After All

Warm-Up: Started with Mosey around the parking lot followed by Side Straddle Hops x20 Strawberry Pickers x15 Michael Phelps x15 Agitators x15 Lunge position each leg for 10 and switch…

Pinch Flat…

EC loop by Olympus, Trump, Ripken and YHC. But this time it was a little less for all of us than usual. Why cause YHC failed to be prepared…had a…

Honoring Murph

A beautiful morning at Adventure Park.  A good time to remember what this day was all about. At promptly 7:00 a.m., Ripken started with the 5CP and sent the Pax…

Welcome Breaker!!!

Awesome sunrise breaking up the gloom this AM.  Pax gathered at 7:00 AM.  Disclosures and 5 Core Principles were reviewed and explained.   Extended Mozy around the parking lot with…