AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 06/16/2022


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Bing, Chilipepper, Crabcakes, Fireball, Goob, Pincher, Posh, Spamalot, Spinal Tap, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: Hot and steamy

YHC is outta his routine by not picking up Pincher to clown car to Hamer Time, so he arrived much earlier than normal..and was followed in by Goob…a little EC pre-run and great conversation about our 2.0s took us a tad further than expected and realized we had to hightail it back to Q….we ended up getting greeted by the remainder of the pax as someone felt FREED TO LEAD and called for a Waterlefe route.

Kudos to Spamalot for joining this AO today and setting the tone that you don’t need to be a high mileage runner to hit a running AO.  And kudos to Posh for hanging with the 6!

Welcome Chili Pepper, another non usual attendee, even thought it was announced that it was a bit of Quid Pro Quo visit as he guilted the pax to show up at the Insane Bad Clown Pre-Beatdown.

All fought through the thick air and accelerated.  Great work me.


  • Shamwow and continued success
  • Pincher’s M and blood results/peace of mind
  • Crabcakes MIL and her medical challenges
  • Goob’s family members nearing the end of life and for the remaining family to feel peace
  • Trump’s Nona and her end stages of life and safe travels to visit her
  • For Checkpoint and his battles and for Mulch and his family to be strong for him
  • Posh and the addition to his extended family in England
  • For Fireball and peace amongst his 2.0s
  • Praises to Posh for hanging with Spamalot today
  • And for Spinal Tap’s family battling medical issues


  • Tri on Saturday prior to Family beach time
  • Family Beach outing on Saturday
  • Father’s Day Bike Ride
  • Dinner next Wednesday – Buffalo Wild Wings
  • 2nd F Lunch today – Pizza joint near publix – that’s the best I got on where

It’s always an honor to be amongst these great men…and Cobains on the late return from the pre-run….I will do better next time.

~Bing out!

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