Remember the Yellow Pages

73F Clear – 5 core principles announced, 2 FNG’s present. Warmorama: Mosey around parking lot with dynamic stretching. Then circle up: SSH, Mountain Cimbers, Holyfield’s, windshield wipers, dry docks, agitators,…

Flag Day: Stars and Stripes

Kudos to all PAX that made it out to start the week right, despite the threat of rain and lightning. Shout out in particular to Bubbles (getting back on track…

Stagecoaches 4 corners

“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.” There are four quadrants of preparedness: get right, live right, lead right and leave right – First Quadrant (Q1):…

A little change up

Weather was hot and wet and sticky and humid and just nasty. Good to see 8-ball and Recall back out in the gloom. Also had Roddick in from The Capital.…

6-7 Prince’s Birthday and Leg Day

MopTop also in attendance……..   YHC arrived at 0455 to find one car in the parking lot…..Goob was off running somewhere.  YHC proceeded to set up for today’s Q by…

Christmas in June? Burpees!!!

So today is an important day, Like Christmas 4 Me.. Today is Royal H. Burpee 124st birthday. A brief history of the Burpee.. Created in 1939 to find a simple…


Today was meant to be a reprieve from a tough May Challenge of running and merkins.  Unfortunately, that meant a heavy dose of butt-grinding, ab-smashing goodness delivered right from the…

Memorial Day Murph

Five core principles and disclosures were shared with the Pax.  The WAD was then reviewed. 1 mile run 100 pull ups 200 Merkins 300 Squats 1 mile run We mozied…

The Three Corners of Life

Weather: 74 Humidity: 68% YHC pulled in the parking lot at 5:50am, still dark and noticed a car already parked, At first I thought it was a Law Enforcement Officer…


5 Core: Free of Charge, Open to All Men, Held Outdoors, Peer Led, Ends with COT Moxy, Nur, Nur High Knees, Nur Butt Kickers.  Round up Motivators on 8, Strawberry pickers, walk out to Merkins…