Missing one for a Shield lock Ride

Lot’s of down range regular riding PAX, so a bit light on the numbers…seemed like a good time to do a good recovery ride average pace 20-21mph. Fireball was the…

Pairs of pain

Warm up, mosey to benches. Pair up, each team does total of: 50 merkins, 100 WWI sit ups, 150 squats while other runs out and back Halftime show was Ring of…

Old School Ride

Another Tuesday is upon us, and after a late night of listening to neighbors fireworks, the pax were ready to get after it. Trump, Pincher and Cottontail took the early…

Back to The Matrix

Blazing Saddles is trending to a 5AM start time, as YHC was the only V starting at the regular 6AM start time. The regular pleasantries were exchanged, announcements and a…

Tribute to the Buffalo Victims

At 7:00 the five core principles and disclaimer were given.  We welcomed our newest PAX Diego, Joyride, to this mornings beatdown.  We then took off for a short mosey that…

Disrupting the Bad Clown

Good Morning!  The Bad Clown was ready to go!  5:15, disclaimer and 5 core principles.   Warm-0-rama, Mozy with Butt Kickers and High Knees.  We circled the water fountain a…

Sharing the Load

Weather: Not Sweater weather, that’s for sure. With no one as an HC for the Ruck Q today, it was time to join forces and share some of the burden…

Pinch Flat…

EC loop by Olympus, Trump, Ripken and YHC. But this time it was a little less for all of us than usual. Why cause YHC failed to be prepared…had a…

Honoring Murph

A beautiful morning at Adventure Park.  A good time to remember what this day was all about. At promptly 7:00 a.m., Ripken started with the 5CP and sent the Pax…