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Q was available the day prior, so YHC will make good on commitment to pick up more Q’s. 5:15 = (5) core principles Warm up Mosey to the roughest patch…

August 19, 2016

August 19, 2016 was an important day for YHC.  It marked my first post at an F3 workout.  I am not entirely certain the exact number of F3 workouts I…

No Q – Wingin’ It!

YHC arrived a few minutes before the scheduled 6AM start time with 5 pax already having logged about 20 miles and a near miss of an armadillo by Cottontail. Crabcakes…

Core, core, and more core

One of the worst kept secrets of F3 is that most of our workouts are shoulder intensive.  VERY intensive.  YHC likes to shake things up from time to time.  Thus…

Finally! The Grim Reaper has come to the Suncoast

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0frHw-7J4Mk     Up North, there are stories of a fabled workout.  Initially started by Cobra, the Grim Reaper takes many forms.  All variations have one thing in common….the workout…

Batteries Low!!

Open Q one day prior, so YHC grabbed it with a plan to attack some virgin (to most F3 Suncoast cycling pax) sprint segments inside the Country Club loop. EC…

We ran in circles

78 degrees and humid   YHC declared today would be a figure 8 day and stated that the PAX would complete a warm-up mile together then YHC would increase his…

Echo influence

Started at 7 with the 5 core principles. Short mosie around the parking and then we entered the Echo Chamber. The workout was based around names of regulars and influencers…