Get Triggered

A beautiful morning for my return where 7 brave unsuspecting PAX joined me for an easy jaunt down the musical memory lane. With what started out as a nice cool…

We Rode

Weather:  70’s and Windy The route was pre-determined.  We headed south on Lorraine to Fruitville, back up to Masters and Bourneside (that was fun), with a return to Wawa. In…

Too Many Humps

Weather: very gusty and soupy, but, rain held off At 515 YHC reviewed the 5 core principles quickly as we saw 2 sets of headlights approaching. Penalty burpees for Goob…


We decided to run today’s route backwards. No, it wasn’t literally a nur, but we ran the 6 mile loop in the opposite direction from normal. That sounds easy, but…

Pain Station

71F with 73%humidity Warmorama: Mosey around parking like including buttkickers and high knees. Circled up for Salsa Dips, arm circles, plank calve stretches, burpees in cadence, hill billy walkers, alternating…

Just a line on the pavement

Crisp morning, low 60s, freezing for FL. Though we had a Cap. Ron sighting he did not stay for the beatdown. May it be he has gotten soft? Not able…

No Blow Wednesday

Conditions:78 humid and dark. Welcome CPap from Charlotte! Mozi and Warmup: We launched from the liquor store on Liqour loop and performed high knees, butt kickers, kerioke and Nur stuff.…

Why does it always start with GAS!!!

74° w/ 100% Humidity QiC arrived early to find one other car in the parking lot.  Not recognizing the car and seeing the accumulated moisture on the front window the…

Sir Wallace BOOTCAMP

72F with 57% humidity 5 core principles and disclaimer announced. Warmup: Echo chamber: jump rope, various leg and back stretches, arm circles, Michael Phelps, mountain climbers, Abe Bagota’s, penalty burpees…