When: 11/03/2020


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Sir Wallace, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Stunt Jumper

QIC: Sir Wallace

The BackBlast:

71F with 73%humidity

Mosey around parking like including buttkickers and high knees. Circled up for Salsa Dips, arm circles, plank calve stretches, burpees in cadence, hill billy walkers, alternating leg pickle Pointer plank.

No Pain, No Thang!
(Find a section of wall, this will be your pain station)

One minute wall sits with overhead claps
One minute Peter Parker Merkins
One minute sit throughs
One minute Freddy Mercury’s
One minute balls to the wall hand stand with shoulder taps

Rinse/ Repeat for 8 rounds

(With all the grunting and gasps for air going on, it was clear the PAX luv’d the beatdown.)

Cool down:
Round of Mary – monkey humpers, yoga push-up & backs, Moroccan knight clubs, heels to Heaven, reach for the stars calve raise


Announcements: wild pax signup, team Alzheimer’s signup, bible studies Saturdays and weds.
Praises: stagecoach for posting while still recovering for back injury.
Prayers: Lancelot as he copes with the loss in the family. QuickDraw’s health and employment struggles.

May God bring healing to our mind, body, and soul.

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