When: 11/03/2020


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Mr. Clean, Olympus, Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Crisp morning, low 60s, freezing for FL. Though we had a Cap. Ron sighting he did not stay for the beatdown. May it be he has gotten soft? Not able to do what the Chiliepper was about to lay down for the PAX? As 5:15 heard, low an behold a visitor from colder states, unfazed with the chill in the air, StumpJumper joined us! An even 6 Pax makes for a great workout.

Five core principles were uttered and that modify bla bla bla.. Mozy, Nur… Nur High Knees, Nur Butt Kickers, Side suffle. We then circled up and performed SSH, Strawberry pickers and an unnamed warm o rama between a SSH and a Strawberry picker, star plank and 6 inch merkins.. On to the…

Thang. DORA.
1. 100 ft 2 Masonry Block Push / Burpees 100 cumulative rep count.
2. 100 ft Block Duck Block Walks / Merkin 100 cumulative rep count.
3. 100 ft Block Pulls (bear crawl pull block forward) / Overhead Squats 100
4. 100 ft Murder Bunnies / ALPOs 100

We ended with some free time so Mary showed up. LBCs, And some other stuff I don’t remember. We finished up with some Jaylo’s brought by Stump Jumper.

• Alzheimer’s Ruck Nov 21
• WildPax Sign Up!! Do it! Dec 3, 4 & 5.

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• Stage Coaches recovery
• Quick Draw
• First responders
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