Salted Burpees

Quick Note: Chilipepper did nonstop burpees since 6am to reach an astonishing 810 completed with Sir Wallace and Tugboat getting in a little earlier and knocking out a couple hundred…

Shady Acres Coupon Party!

Welcome to the retirement party!!  With 14 in attendance and average age of 51, we lit it up and crushed some coupons! 7:00 am – We circled up and Disclaimer,…

Tabata & Field of Dreams

We did some burpees.  Whatever.  After the beatdown I got the following text from Lights Out, a down-ranger from St. Louis. “Man, I really connected with @Paw Patrol after the…

4 Corner Coupon Fun + Proverbs 27:17

Weather: 76 Degrees / 81% Humidity 7:00 am start and Pax circled up. 5 Core Principals were said and Disclaimer was given. Mosey – Lap around the parking lot w/…

Bring F32U – Del Tierra

Bring F32U @ Del Tierra!  PAX meet @ the tower and then migrated down to Del Tierra.  Disclaimers and 5 core principles were shared.  We then proceeded to Mozy around…

Burn Burn Burn, Farewell 2022

Welcome brothers.  Disclaimers and the 5 core principles are 1. Free 2. Open to ALL men 3. Held Outdoors 4. Peer led 5. Ends with COT   Plant, Grow and…

Elf Tactical Training

Chill morning for The Tower.  8 PAX ready for some Elf Tactical Training.  Disclaimers and 5 Core Principles.  We did a quick mozy including Nur, Nur Butt Kickers, Nur High…

SandBagging it…

Disclaimer, 5 core principles… Quick mozy, Moroccan night clubs, Motivators from 8, and Merkins.  Let’s go. What happens with no one picks up the Q…  this.. PAX was divided in…

Tower Tabata

It was a nice cool morning for a beatdown at The Tower. This was my first Q there and had a good turnout of eight, including two FNGs. After stating…

IPC Week 5 – finally some murder bunnies

Great sunrise and great day to finish  Week 5 of IPC..   Disclaimers and 5 core principles.  Mozy, high knees, butt kickers.  We circled up and did SSH, strawberry pickers,…