Weather: 68 and humid

YHC took off for a little pre-run, contemplating what the final weinke would look like.  Even scoped out a new portion of this great AO, but decided to go with an Amazon favorite, run with stops along the way with exercises.  Boy did those plans every change.  Upon arriving back at the AO, we were introduced to a guest from F3 Greensboro who recently bought a home nearby.  Welcome Thermonator!  But, as the AO rules state, if you have a guest, you must incorporate the up we went!

The warm up mosey included Butt Kickers, Nur, Carioca x2, and high knees and lots of admiration of the Tower of Pain.  COP included:

  • SSH x25 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC
  • Parker Peter x15 IC
  • Peter Parker x15 IC
  • LBCs x15 IC
  • Wheezy Jeffersons x10 IC

It was time to show our guest the joy of the tower of pain.  The pax partnered up.  Partner 1 ran up the tower for 10 merkins at the top while Partner 2 did Super Burpees at the bottom. Once Partner 1 returns, flip flop.

Now it was time to re-engage with the original weinke, sorta.  We took a mosey along Cattleman Road, stopping every 3 times along the way to do the following:

  1. Overhead claps (then Moroccan Night Clubs x20 IC on second stop)
  2. Freddie Mercuries
  3. Monkey Humpers (of course I did, we were on a public street).

Once we arrived at the playground, it was time for some station work for 1 minute at each station.

  1. Station 1 – Pull-ups on the rope thing
  2. Station 2 – Swing ab crunches
  3. Station 3 – Step Ups
  4. Station 4 – Decline Merkins

With a bit more time on hand, we rinse and repeated for a faster interval of 30 seconds at each station.

It was time to begin the mosey back, stopping once for 10x Incline (or is it decline – facing uphill) big boy situps, Moroccan Night Clubs and Monkey Humpers x10.  Once we reached the next valley in the two hills (sorta hills, Florida type hills), we did 4x Hill Repeats.  Hard up and easy jog back down.  The final mosey took us back to COT, after 60 seconds of LBCs to end the romp.


  • SuperHero 5k – Sign up
  • Triathlon in February
  • February 8 – Night to Shine at Bayside – HC for this one please, including families!
  • January 25 – Men’s night at Bayside – HC for this one please


  • Praise for Props as they closed on their new business
  • Prayers for friend of Recall who lost husband and father to her kids
  • Prayers for the men of our country who need to step up and become leaders in the family and in the community
  • Prayers for Gridlock as he takes on his Marathon challenge this weekend, going for a Boston Qualifier.

Sniper ended COT by sharing a segment he watched on FoxNews with Tucker Carlson, where Tucker pointed out that what America needs is men who are willing to step up and actually lead.  Lead in their families and in the community, and how F3 is creating HIM across this country, but we need even more of them!

Welcome to Thermanator, we look forward to seeing you back in April.  But don’t wait until your last days of your trip to post next time!  And thank you for EH’ing Brutus!

Always humbled to lead this great group of men.  Many of you pushed yourselves into my comfort zone with so much running today, and I greatly admire you all for it!

~Bing Out