Party of one!

68 degrees and breezy.

I am on vacation this week and I wanted to post at Unconditional Surrender this morning.  Well I guess I should have told someone else, as I was the only one there.  So at 5:15 I stated the 5 core principles to me , myself, and I.  I decided the no one else was attending so off “we” went on the mosey towards the bridge.  I made it almost to the bridge running, the took a brisk walk-a-ways.  “Myself” continued to the top trading off run/walk.

I ran to the end of the bridge and played tag with the walk/don’t walk sign and turned around back over the bridge when “me” saw the playground, so that is where we headed.  Me, myself, and I performed merkins, moraccan might clubs, LBC’s, SSH and incline merkins to a 20 count.

I then moseyed towards the parking lot and had a couple of minutes to go, so we walked to Marina Jacks and ran back to the statue.  I went past time since it was just me and I did not have to rush off to work.

I have praise for our Pax, for without you I would not have done this by myself.  I am also praying that there will be more in attendance on Friday at NBP, as me, myself, and I will be there also.





2 thoughts on “Party of one!”

  1. Wow..two Q’s in one week, I’m impressed!! Seriously though, great job getting after it on a solo post. The temptation is to return to the fartsack, but you overcame that twice and got stronger because of it!

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