Funday Monday

Weather-75 and humid

as I made my way to the AO I was enjoying my morning coffee until I turned the corner at Greenbrook and nearly ran over 3 Pax doing a 3 mile 8 minute/mile pre workout run-almost spilling my coffee on my lap.  A few words of encouragement were given as I passed them and continued to prepare for the beatdown.

The disclaimer and core princles were given and off for the mosey we went which included high knees, butt kickers, Carioca and skips

Warmup-SSH-20 IC, Wondmills 10 IC and Mountain climbers 10 IC

The Thang

2 station which were 200 yards apart

Station 1- Merkins,LBC, Squats, Shoulder Taps

Station 2- Diamond merkins, Rev LBC, Lunges, Carolina Dry Docks

Start at station 1 do 20 reps of each, run to station 2-20 reps of each then return to station 1 and do 15reps of each-run to station on 2 and do 15 reps etc.    Continue the drill with 10 reps and 5

With 9 minutes left we circled up and the Pax was given the choice of a Round of Mary or Q’s choice-unanimous Q’s choice .  We copied Longshanks drill  of 1 burpee/4SSH IC the run and repeat adding 1 burped and 4 SSH each time.  We made it to 5/20 before time was called.

Announcement-upcoming Ft Hammer, Mud Titan, TriathLon

Prayer requests-parents with children at college, Chili Peppers new Bible study, Drakes mother, injured Pax, Our country