Bear Crawl Jamboree

Weather: Hot but not as steamy as past days.

Knowing that YHC has the Ft. Hamer 10k in the Saturday gloom, the pax that arrived were in for a treat, we were going to save our legs, selfishly.  But in order to save our legs, one must use other means of transport.  Read on for the gory details.  Hint in the photo. 

Disclaimer was shared and off we went for a chatter filled mosi with some butt kickers and Nur.  After a lap and a quarter, we lined up along the bridge for our first round of exercises that included the Bear Crawl Indian Run.  Line up in the plank position.  Last Pax bear crawls to the front of the line and yells FRONT to signal the next pax to start. Rinse and repeat.  To add a twist, literally, we then did 1 round of Bear Crawl Snake run where the pax leave space between one another and then last pax weaves his way up the line, weaving in between all of the pax on his way up, yelling front upon arrival.  This was done for 1 round. To return to our starting point, we repeated both exercises in the same amount of quantities.

With another short mosi back to the starting spot, we then commenced with a shortened COP:

  • SSH x40 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x30 IC
  • American Hammers x10 IC
  • Freddie Mercury x10 IC

We then mosied over to the base of the tower, with everyone thinking it was time we blast up the tower with a jail break..nope..staying loyal to the legs we then did a Bearmuda Triangle.  Starting at spot 1 with 1 burpee, bear crawl to cross walk (about 30 feet) 2 Burpees, Bear Crawl another 30 feet to drain pipe (in a triangle shape) 3 Burpees.  Lunge Walk back to start.  This was repeated 3 times.

Next up was a Bear Crawl 1-2-3.  Think evil twin to Dora.  Partner up and complete 100 Squats (only challenge to the legs, sorta), 200 LBCS and 300 Moroccan Night Clubs.  Lots of modifying took place here.

With only 4 minutes left, we mosied back up to home base and did a round of Mary including:

  • Flutter Kicks x 40 OYO
  • American Hammers x10 IC
  • Hello Dolly X10 IC
  • Superman/Sky Diver x10 IC
  • Leg Lifts x10 IC


  • Races this weekend
  • Read your newsletter
  • Gator Wilderness event – table sponsorship


  • YHC Sister-in-law and kids
  • Tatanka and the adoption of a 20-month old
  • Banjo’s wife and clarity on a difficult decision
  • Safe events for the pax this weekend

It was great to see the pax push themselves this morning.  The count of 5 total brought back memories for Jimmy Dean and he shared what it was like in the early days of F3 Suncoast to D-Fib and Tatanka, as they never witnessed smaller than double digit beatdowns. It was a great reminder of where we came from and what we have accomplished as a group.

Bing out!