Be Fruitful and Multiply

Sniper, Sparky, Bing and Ripken headed out for a 1.8 mile pre-run.  This started at a friendly pace, but Ripken decided to turn it into a fartlek that finished at a sub 7:30 pace.

As the other Pax showed up, we mentally prepared for the beatdown that promised someone crying “Mommy” before it ended.  Little did we know that Ripken would be that innocent bystander.

The Q reminded us of Genesis 1:27-28 where God created all men and women and told us to “be fruitful and multiply.” He then recited the 5 core principles focusing on the fact that all MEN are welcome, not front holes (see article if you missed the inside joke).  Several crude back hole remarks were heard during the ensuing Mozy.

In line with God’s fruitful promises, COP included…

  • Strawberry Pickers
  • Banana & Grape smashers (Superman)
  • Prunes (Big Boy Situps make your butt hurt just as bad)
  • Watermelon (Water birds)
  • Dates (we did Saturday Nights to resemble the activities we hope dates lead to. Bing seemed to be out of practice and needed to be reminded of how the exercise was performed.)
  • Rhu-barb (This produce is sure of its identity.  Is it a fruit or a vegetable?  Similarly, what identity is Ru-Paul? That lead to us doing Richard Simmons’ who is similarly confused. It was a stretch, but Ripken found a way to get some RS in.)

That took care of the fruit.  Time to multiply.  Note to self: multiplying is much easier at a 60 HR in the office than it is at a 160 HR during a beatdown.

Starting at the bus loop, we ran a loop around the parking lot with 3 pain stops.  In multiples of 5, we did…

  • Set 1
  • 15 SSH
  • 10 Get Ups
  • 5 Kickouts (each leg) then slalom through the posts to 5 more Kickouts, 4 sets of Kickouts for a total of 20.  (These suck by the way)
  • Bearcrawl to school entrance from end of the bus loop
  • Set 2
  • 15 Crabkicks
  • 10 Criss/cross squats
  • 5×4 Merkins and slalom through the posts
  • Bearcrawl
  • Set 3 = Set 1, but every exercise doubled
  • Set 4 = Set 2, but every exercise doubled
  • Set 5 was an impromptu set of…
  • 15 Icantremembers
  • 10 Back Lunges
  • 5×4 Diamond Merkins on post, slalom through the posts
  • Bearcrawl

We were past time, so the COT was fast and furious. Drake is dealing with a personal situation that goes back many years. Pincher’s wife is having surgery today.  We laid hands on Drake and prayed for God’s favor over him and for Pincher’s wife.

We know our identity and our purpose when we are rooted in our creator.  He intended us to be more than conquerors.  Let’s be the men we were intended to be today, tomorrow and every day.