Father’s Day Gloom

Weather: 74 feels like 76

QIC: Bing

Pax: Drake, Posh, Messi, Pincher, Bubbles, FIFA, RedCard, BP20, Passport, LG, Olympus, Sir Wallace, Aquaman, Spackler, Woodford, Bolt, Cotton Tail, Manziel, Stagecoach, Lobstah, Bing, Early Bird

7am struck hit, disclaimer was shared, 5 core principles reviewed and we were off for a 2-lap mosey around the parking lot.  Throw in some high knees, butt kickers, high skip, carioca x2 and nur and we are officially warmed up and ready for COP.

COP included:

  • SSH x51 IC (had to go past 50 as the pax were curious to when we would stop)
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10 IC
  • Peter Parker x10 IC
  • Parker Peter x10 IC
  • LBC x10 IC
  • Wheezy Jefferson x10IC

It was time for the Thang.  We grabbed our water bottles and headed for the caution speed bump sign on Adventure Park Drive.  Because certain pax have influenced YHC to become a cyclist, it was time to catch up on some of YHC’s missed running.  We would start at the caution sign and run to each speed bump/speed hump. 3 exercises would be completed at each speed bump and return back to the caution sign to plank for the 6 because NO MAN WILL BE LEFT BEHIND.  Round 2 – run to second speed bump and return. Round 3 third and return, all the way until we reached the stop sign at the end of the road.  Exercises were as follows:

  • Merkins x10
  • Monkey Humpers x20
  • LBCs x30

The pax battled through all 5 rounds, pushing one another and pushing through Spackler’s terrible joke!

Next up was a round of Dora.  Partner up.  Partner 1 runs to the end of the parking lot while partner 2 does the exercise.  Flip Flop and pick up from where your partner left off.  Exercises were the same as above:

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Monkey Humpers
  • 300 LBCs

Last order of business, and an attempt to get in just a bit more miles included an indian run around the lake.  Once complete, 3.5 miles were covered and he pax were stronger because of it.

The pax battled hard for the solid 60 minutes and made sure no man was left behind, and clearly no man was left where we found them.  It was great to see everyone plank for the 6 or return back to the battle field and help bring in the 6.  As with life, we have prepared for battle and all were encouraged to look for those in their lives who are being left behind, and make sure you help them accelerate!


  • Shirt order with new logo coming
  • Cycling event on Fathers Day – 6a launch at Unconditional Surrender
  • GrowRuck opportunities


  • To all the Fathers on this weekend
  • Chris – Friend of Stagecoach battling cancer
  • For Passport and his continued treatment
  • First Responders and law enforcement
  • Our country

Always an honor and a blessing to lead this group of men!

~Bing out